Eve Waddington
Christchurch and Online Maths and Statistics Tutor
I've helped hundreds of students of all ages and abilities to improve in maths and statistics.
​Phone: 021 0222 0392
email: eve.waddington@gmail.com
All ages and abilities welcome, from primary right through to university level
Studying at an American University is an amazing experience that I would highly recommend to Kiwi students, and in some cases, can work out even cheaper than studying at a New Zealand University. In general, there are also far more opportunities available at American colleges (in terms of extracurricular activites, internships, and so on) and most colleges are residential meaning everyone lives on campus, creating a really strong community spirit.
When I was younger, I had never dreamed I would be able to study at a place like Princeton, as I thought it would just be too expensive, however, what many NZ students don't know is that a few of the top universities in the USA offer 100% financial aid to International Students like myself who would not be able to afford to go otherwise. The hard part, however, is gaining acceptance, and that is where I come in.
Having to navigate the complex US college admissions system can be daunting on your own, especially having to sit the SAT exams and write several essays as part of your admission application. To gain entrance at a top US university, your admission application really needs to stand out, and you need to show that you would contribute to the life of the university. Diversity is also a big factor when colleges are choosing a class. Having attended Princeton University, I have a fairly good idea of the college admissions system, the sorts of students who gain acceptance to top schools, and what sorts of things admissions officers are looking for in an applicant. I am therefore able to offer guidance and help to students who are aiming to study at a top US university, by describing the sorts of things admissions officers are looking for, advising you on what sorts of extracurriculars may enhance your application, and also by reading your admissions essays and helping you to present yourself in the best possible light.
I also often work with students who are hoping to get sports scholarships / recuited to play a sport at a US university. Since such students have a somewhat different application process, and in general are guaranteed admission to a certain college as long as they meet a minimun SAT score, my usual role is in just helping such students to prepare for the SAT exams (as well as describing what life is like at a residential American university).

At a Princeton Football game
Outside the historic Nassau Hall at Princeton University