Eve Waddington
Christchurch and Online Maths and Statistics Tutor
I've helped hundreds of students of all ages and abilities to improve in maths and statistics.
​Phone: 021 0222 0392
email: eve.waddington@gmail.com
All ages and abilities welcome, from primary right through to university level
About Me
I'm a highly qualified and experienced maths and statistics tutor based in Christchurch.
I have always enjoyed mathematics, however, it wasn't until I was sixteen that I discovered I had some talent for this subject. I tried out for and was selected for the New Zealand International Mathematical Olympiad Team (NZIMO team) to compete at the IMO in Greece in 2004. That same year, I featured in a TVNZ documentary about the six members of the New Zealand team, and our journey to the IMO. The following year I was also selected for the NZ team and traveled to Mexico to compete in the 46th IMO.
Following my success in New Zealand maths competitions, gaining NCEA scholarships in five subjects and being Dux of my high school, I gained acceptance to Princeton University in the USA, where I studied as an undergraduate.

The NZIMO team in Greece, 2004 (I'm in the back row on the right)
Nassau Hall, Princeton University

At Princeton University, I continued to excel in mathematics, gaining an A+ in a course taught by the renowned mathematician John Conway, placing 117th in the renowned Putnam Maths Competition, and being the only female selected to the Princeton team to travel to Bulgaria for the International Mathematics Competition - the university equivalent of the IMO. I was able to continue my passion for horse riding, as a member of the Princeton University Equestrian Team, competing at the Ivy League Championships.
Halfway through my degree at Princeton, I experienced some health issues and moved back to NZ. I wound up completing my math studies at Auckland University, where I also picked up psychology, and statistics. I ended up with 3 degrees: a BSc (double majoring in maths and psychology), a BSc (Hons) in Pschology, and an MSc in Statistics. I was subsequently awarded PhD scholarships to top universities around the world, including the Prince of Wales Scholarship to Cambridge. However, I ultimately decided to stay put in New Zealand and instead go to Law School. I recently completed my fourth degree - an LLB at the University of Canterbury.
In my spare time, I like to play the piano, play chess, go to the gym, and spend time with my chihuahuas.